reg.htmlTEXTDmWr>LB¶@•ï¶@•ïZU Untitled Document

Q. Why should I register?
A. When you register that annoying request to register that keeps popping up every time you open Micaic will go away. Also Micaic will stop putting a black and white "X" across all your mosaics. And it is the right thing to do!

Q. How much does it cost to register?
A. Micaic has the following pricing: 1-10 single user licenses cost$15 per user. 11+ single user licenses cost $10 per user. A Site License costs $300 and covers all locations for your organization within a 160 kilometer radius of your site (100 miles). One big advantage of a Site License is that you do not need to keep track of how many people at your site are using Micaic. A World-Wide License costs $1500 and covers all locations for your organization on the planet earth!

Q. How do I register?
A. There are a variety of methods you can use to register. You can pay with checks, cash (foreign and domestic) or credit cards, and you can email, fax or mail your order. This is all possible because I don't handle the registrations myself, a company called Kagi does! All registration requests should be sent to Kagi and not to me! To register just open up the "Register" application that accompanies Micaic. Then decide what method you will be using to pay for Micaic and follow the appropriate instructions below.

Note: These instructions were copied from the Kagi website.

These are the ways to purchase:

Paying Via Online Order
Paying Via Email
Paying Via Postal Mail
Paying Via Purchase Order
Paying Via Fax

Paying Via Online Order Processing

When paying via Online order processing you must use a credit card.

1. Connect to the Micaic Ordering Page.

2. Click in the field next to the single user license text and enter the number of copies of Micaic that you desire to purchase. Click on "Site" or "World-Wide" only if you are purchasing a license for many users in the same organization.

3. Enter your name. Enter your email address using lower case letters. Enter your postal address. Click on "postcard receipt" if you want a paper receipt mailed to you ($1 extra). You must have either an email address or postcard receipt!

4. Enter your card number as shown on the card. Do not enter spaces or punctuation to separate the numbers.

5. Use the pull down menus to select the month and year that of the credit card expiration date.

6. When you have entered all of the information correctly, click on the Purchase button. If you do not get an email acknowledgement the next business day, please fill out Kagi's Payment Query Form.


Paying Via Email

Please place email order in regular ASCII text format. Do not send in html text or as an attachment.

1. Run the register program, its icon has a blue diamond with the $ in it.

2. Enter your name. Enter your email address using all lower case letters. Enter your postal address and click on "postcard receipt" if you want a paper receipt mailed to you. There is a $1 extra charge for the postal receipt. You must have either an email address or postcard receipt so that Kagi can fill your order!

3. Enter the number of copies you would like to purchase in the field next to the product name. Click on "Site" or "World-Wide" only if you are purchasing a license for an organization.

4. Select your preferred payment method such as "Visa", "Mastercard" or "American Express." If you have a purchasing department that handles payments, select "Invoice" and print three copies and give them to purchasing. If you must use a Purchase Order, see the Purchase Order instructions.

5. Enter your name as it appears on the card.

6. Enter your card number as shown. Please do not enter spaces or punctuation in your card number.

7. Enter two digits for the month, a slash, and the last two digits of the year for the expiration date of your card. Do not enter the day if your card shows an expiration day.

8. Click on the "Copy" button, lower right of the Register window. Read the warning prompts and pay attention to them.

9. Open your email program.

10. Make a new email message with the address as:

11. Click on the message area and paste. It will paste what was copied from register into the email message. Double check to see that the information is correct, if not reenter it in the Register program, copy and paste over.

12. Send the message. Save a copy for yourself, Kagi suggests printing it out.

That's all there is to it. If you do not get an email acknowledgment from Kagi in a couple of working days, there is a problem. Maybe the email address you provided contained a typographical error or is no longer current. In some instances, customers have set up their email service to block all email from unknown origins. Unfortunately, this can result in rejection of Kagi or the product vendors reply. In such cases, the email is returned as undeliverable. Whatever the reason for the problem, it is always a good idea to direct an inquiry to


Paying Via Postal Mail

All forms of payment in Register program are accepted when paying via postal mail.

1. Run the register program, its icon has a blue diamond with the $ in it.

2. Enter your name. Enter your email address, all lower case. Enter your postal address and click on "postcard receipt" if you want a paper receipt mailed to you, $1 extra. You must have either an email address or postcard receipt!

3. Enter the number of copies you would like to purchase in the field next to the product name. Click on "Site" or "World-Wide" only if you are purchasing a license for an organization.

4. Select your preferred payment method such as "Visa", "Mastercard" or "American Express." If you have a purchasing department that handles payments, select "Invoice" and print three copies and give them to purchasing. If you must use a Purchase Order, see the Purchase Order instructions.

5. Enter your name as it appears on the card, if you are paying by card.

6. Enter your card number as shown, if used.

7. Enter two digits for the month, a slash, and the last two digits of the year for the expiration date of your card. Do not enter the day if your card shows a day, please enter only the month and year only.

8. Click on the "Print" button, lower right of the Register window. Read the warning prompts. Double check to see that the information is correct, if not reenter it in the Register program and print again.

9. Make checks payable to "Kagi". Checks must be in US or Canadian Dollars only. Please write the program name on the check as well as your email address, if you have one.

10. Use the postal address that is shown on the form

11. Save a copy for yourself. Kagi suggests printing it out.

That's all there is to it. If you do not get an email acknowledgment from Kagi in a couple of weeks, there is a problem. You may not have provided Kagi with a current and valid email address. In any case, you may call Kagi at 510 601 5244 any weekday between 9 AM & 5 PM (Pacific time) to inquire, or send an email inquiry to


Paying Via Purchase Order

Kagi does not accept Purchase Orders.

You have several other options.

You can use an organizational credit card to purchase the products.

You can use your personal credit card, pay for a postcard receipt and then when you receive the receipt, submit that proof of purchase to your organization for a refund.

The other option is that you can create an invoice to submit to your purchasing department by using the register program. Then they send the payment to Kagi according to the instructions on the invoice you generated from register. Please keep in mind that the payment must accompany the invoice. Here's how to do the do-it-yourself invoice.

There is a Register program included with the Micaic. It has an "Invoice" payment method that generates a unique invoice/time stamp on the register form. Kagi dose not generate and mail "valid invoices" or any other paperwork, except for postcard receipts. Kagi does business via email and receives postal mail, faxes and phone calls. Please see Postal mail instructions and Email instructions for more registration specifics.

Please read these instructions as they will help:

1. Get the Purchase Order paperwork from you purchasing department. That paperwork will be pages and pages of stuff. Wade through all that ... stuff ... and find the Purchase Order number assigned by your organization and locate the address that invoices must be sent to within your organization.

2. Run the Register program that comes with Micaic. Enter the Purchase Order number as well as your name in the Name field. Enter your email address. Kagi cannot answer via fax, only email and postcard receipt. Enter your postal address and click on "postcard receipt" if you want a paper receipt mailed to you, $1 extra. You must have an email address or postcard receipt!

3. You will probably need to print three copies of the registration form. For some reason organizations who can only pay with a Purchase Order require everything in triplicate. If the form prints on multiple pages, be sure to staple them together so that you have three individual sets of forms rather than say six pages or one set with multiple copies stapled together.

4. Although it is not always required it is sometimes useful to sign the Register forms where it states that payment is approved.

5. This is important. Using a highlighter or a colored marker, circle the part that states that this form MUST accompany the payment. If they do not send the form with the payment Kagi won't know who to send the registration information to. Have them print on the check the program name(s) and an email address. You might also want to circle the part that says that there are no deliverables.

6. Send the three copies of register along with your business or institutional Purchase Order to your purchasing department/agency.

7. Eventually they will pay for the software. Kagi hopes that they will include a copy of the form with the payment. When and if that happens, we'll process the payment and send you the registration information.

If you don't hear from Kagi within several weeks, call your purchasing department and obtain the number of the check that they sent to Kagi. If they didn't bother to send the registration form, Kagi can use the check number to search the database to see if Kagi has received your payment.

Even better, get the check from your Purchasing Dept. and send Kagi the forms, registration program printout, and check yourself.


Paying Via Fax

When paying via fax, you can only use a credit card.

Special note: No cover page please, it just wastes paper and that information should be on your payment form.

1. Run the register program, its icon has a blue diamond with the $ in it.

2. Enter your name. Enter your email address, all lower case. Kagi cannot answer via fax, only email and postcard receipt. Enter your postal address and click on "postcard receipt" if you want a paper receipt mailed to you, $1 extra. You must have an email address or postcard receipt!

3. Enter 1 in the field next to the single user license text for the shareware you wish to purchase. More if you need them, click on "Site" or "World-Wide" only if this is what you need.

4. Select your preferred payment method such as "Visa", "Mastercard", "American Express." If you have a purchasing department that handles payments, select "Invoice" and print three copies and give them to purchasing. If you must use a Purchase Order, see the Purchase Order instructions. Do not fax a Purchase Order to Kagi, payment must accompany the registration request. You may of course fax Kagi with the payment information for the products you are purchasing with a Purchase Order.

5. Enter your name as it appears on the card.

6. Enter your card number as shown.

7. Enter two digits for the month, a slash, and the last two digits of the year for the expiration date of your card. Do not enter the day if your card shows an expiration day.

8. Click on the "Print" button, lower right of the Register window. Read the warning prompts. The output should have bar codes on it.

9. Double check to see that the information is correct, if not reenter it in the Register program.

10. Run it through your fax machine or if you have a fax modem, send the information directly from your computer to ours using your fax modem. Kagi's fax number is: +1 510-652-6589

11. Save a copy of the form for yourself, Kagi suggests printing it out.

That's all there is to it. If you do not get an email acknowledgment from Kagi within four working days, you either did not give Kagi an email address or there is a problem.

Please note that it can take up to seven days for faxes to get processed. Kagi has to print them and send them out to data entry just like postal payments. If time is critical, Kagi suggests you send your registration via email. Email payments are processed without being sent out to data entry and usually takes only one or two days to get you your payment information.

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